Export of Transport Services: Russian Far East

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Leading Researcher
Affiliation: Economic Research Institute of Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation, 153, Tikhookeanskaya Str., Khabarovsk
Journal nameProblemy Dalnego Vostoka
EditionIssue 2

The article analyzes the dynamics of the key components of the export of transport services at the national and regional levels. It is shown that despite the negative impact of restrictions during the spread of the pandemic in 2019-2020, there is an increase in the export of transport services of the Russian Federation. The growth of the indicator is due to the increase in revenues from freight transportation. The regional cross-section is presented on the example of the Russian Far East. At the macro-regional level, the share of transport in the total export of services is significantly (1.8 times) higher than the national average. The main contribution to the formation of the indicator of the macroregion is made by Primorsky Krai (7.5%). The key seaports of the Pacific coast of Russia are located here.


Three directions for the development of the export of transport services in the Far East are presented: 1) servicing export-import flows outside the national territory, 2) transit traffic, 3) participation in the international market of transport services. For each direction, the growth opportunities and restrictions on the export of transport services were assessed. With the use of comparative analysis methods, it is argued that the most promising is the service of cargo flows of the national economy. Prospects are related, among other things, to the implementation of the Northern Sea Transport Corridor project and the formation of a system of reference seaports for Arctic routes in the macroregion. It is shown that transit traffic will not play a significant role in the growth of exports of transport services in the Far East. The negative impact of infrastructural and economic factors on the competitiveness of international transport corridors passing through the territory of the east of the country has been revealed. The limitations of the direct participation of the transport complex of the Far Eastern Federal District in the international market are argued, which include features of the structure of the economy and insufficient development of the elements of the transport complex. The results of the work can serve as a basis for developing measures to develop the export of transport services.

KeywordsFar East, transport complex, export of transport services, transit, international market of transport services, Northeast Asia
Publication date19.04.2022
Number of characters37887
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