Eisenhower Doctrine and Intervention to Lebanon in 1958

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Professor
Affiliation: Moscow State Pedagogical University
Address: Russian Federation
Journal nameNovaia i noveishaia istoriia
EditionIssue 5

The US policy towards the Middle East particularly in Lebanon after the fiasco of the Tripartite Aggression of 1956 and the declaration of the Eisenhower doctrine is regarded in the article. The doctrine made it possible for the USA to intervene to Lebanon in 1958 maintaining its minority, which only worsened difficult confessional relations in the country.

KeywordsUS police in the Middle East, Lebanon, C. Chamoun, Eisenhower Doctrine
Publication date10.10.2018
Number of characters54252
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7. Commercial and Financial Chronicle, 21.XII.1950, p. 5.

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9. Special Message to the Congress on the Situation in the Middle East, 5 January 1957. — Public Papers of President Eisenhower. Washington, 1957, p. 7—8.

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12. Primakov E. M. Blizhnij Vostok na stsene i za kulisami, s. 97.

13. Tsit. po: tam zhe.

14. The Department of State Bulletin, December 10, 1956, p. 918.

15. The New York Times, 9.XII.1956.

16. Eisenhower D. Mandate for Change 1953—1956. New York, 1963, p. 137, 171, 237.

17. Congressional Record, March 5, 1957, p. 2776; March 7, 1957, p. 2891.

18. U.S. Department of State, American Foreign Policy: Current Documents. Washington, 1957, r. 784—785, 798.

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22. Central Intelligence Agency (dalee — C.I.A.), Research Reports: Middle East, 1946—1976. Frederick (MD), 1982, C.I.A. Report on the Arab States for the President, 27 September 1948, p. 1.

23. Ibid., p. 2.

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25. C.I.A. Research Reports: Middle East, 1946—1976, C.I.A. Report on the Arab States, p. 1, 10, 66.

26. Ibid., p. 10.

27. Ibid., p. 66.

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29. Ibid., p. 53.

30. Microfilm Collection, United States Objectives, p. 11.

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32. Ibid., p. 13.

33. Ibid., p. 20.

34. Ibid., p. 22.

35. Declassified Documents Quarterly Catalogs. Washington, 1976, Memorandum, 24 March 1956, John Foster Dulles Papers, v. 11, № 1 (January — March 1983), № 001054, p. 55.

36. Ibid., A Report by the Joint Committee..., p. 1.

37. Ibid., p. 26—27.

38. The Department of State Bulletin, v. 36 (25 March 1957). Washington, 1976, p. 481.

39. Microfilm Collection, NSC Progress Report on United States Objectives and Policies with Respect to the Near East, 7 August 1957 by the Operations Coordinating Board, NSC/5428, p. 1.

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42. Ibid., r. 241—246.

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46. Blizhnevostochnyj konflikt, t. 2, dok. 55.

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48. Declassified Documents Quarterly Catalogs, Memorandum of Conference with the President, 23 July 1958, v. 8, № 1 (January — March 1982), № 00341.

49. Eisenhower D. Waging Peace, 1956—1961, r. 266.

50. Murphy R. Diplomat among Warriors. Garden City, 1964, p. 404, 492.

51. Declassified Documents Reference System, Microfilm Collection, Department of State Memorandum of Conversations with the President, 15 June, 1958, (81) / 371 B.

52. Medvedko L. I., Medvedko S. L. Ukaz. soch., s. 139.

53. Mahgoub M. A. Democracy on Trial. Reflections on Arab and African Politics. London, 1974, p. 95.

54. Gordon D. C. Lebanon. The Fragmented Nation. London, 1980, p. 54.

55. Declassified Documents Reference System, Microfilm Collection, McClintock to Dulles, April 14, April 18, April 22, June 18, June 21, 1958.

56. Declassified Documents Reference System, Microfilm Collection, r. 397.

57. The Department of State Bulletin, June 9, 1958.

58. Declassified Documents Quarterly Catalogs, Memorandum of Conservation, 15 June 1958, v. 7, № 3 (July — September 1981), r. 371-B.

59. Ibidem.

60. Ibid., Memorandum of Conference with the President, 15 June 1958, v. 8, № 1 (January — March 1982), № 00337, r. 56.

61. Ibidem.

62. Ibid., Telegram from Dulles to US Embassy in Beirut, 19 June 1958, v. 8, № 2 (April — June 1977), p. 34-C.

63. Declassified Documents Reference System, Microfilm Collection, Unsigned (McClin-tock?) to Dulles, June 23, 1958.

64. Murphy R. Op. cit., p. 400, 407—408, 487—488, 492.

65. Thayer Ch. W. Diplomat. New York, 1959, p. 29—30.

66. Declassified Documents Quarterly Catalogs, Telegram № 4006 Sent from US Embassy Beirut to Department of State,18 May 1958, p. 65-E.

67. Blizhnevostochnyj konflikt, t. 2, dok. 84.

68. Eisenhower D. Waging Peace, 1956—1961, r. 272.

69. Ibid., r. 279.

70. Williams A. Britain and France in the Middle East and North Africa. New York, 1968, r. 135.

71. Medvedko L. I., Medvedko S. L. Ukaz. soch., s. 143.

72. Security Council Official Records, Washington, 13th year 840th Meeting, 25 November, 1958, r. 5.

73. Primakov E. M. Blizhnij Vostok na stsene i za kulisami, s. 56—57.

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75. Steward D. Turmoil in Beirut: A Personal Account. London, 1958.

76. Blizhnevostochnyj konflikt, t. 2, dok. 88.

77. Declassified Documents Quarterly Catalogs, Telegram from Dulles to US Embassy in Beirut, 19 June 1958, v. 8, № 2 (April — June 1977), p. 134-C.

78. Yapp M. E. The Near East since the First World War. London, 1991; Williams A. Op. cit.; Penrose E., Iraq E. F. Op. cit.

79. Sharabi H. B. Nationalism and Revolution in the Arab World. New York, 1966, p. 77.

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