New Data on Crystallization Conditions of Monzodiorite-Granite Massifs in the Eastern Slope of the Southern Urals

Publication type Article
Status Published
Journal nameDoklady Akademii nauk
EditionVolume 481 Issue 5

The article gives a brief description of the geological structure of the monzodiorite-granite massifs (Stepninski, Biryukovski, Vandyshevski, Uyski) of the Stepninski complex, which forms a chain of intrusive bodies, cutting submeridional structures. The granites are Permian in age, and thought to be plume-dependent. Based on the study of melt and gas-liquid inclusions in quartz of granitoids, a gradual decrease in the depth of crystallization of rocks of  this series from the hypabyssal to the hypabyssal-subsurface facies in the NW direction  was established. It is shown that leucocratic and aplitoid varieties of granites, characterized by an increased fluid saturation, have rare metal metallogenic specialization and are promising for W-Mo mineralization.

KeywordsUrals, granites, Stepninski massif, Biryukovski massif, Vandyshevski massif, Uyski massif, melt and gas-liquid inclusions, crystallization temperature, fluid saturation
Publication date30.10.2018
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