Analysis of the Regionalization of Military-Political Interests of the USA and EU on an Example of the Intervention in Libya in 2011

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Kazan Federal University
Address: Russian Federation, Kazan
Affiliation: Kazan Federal University
Address: Russian Federation, Kazan
Journal nameNovaia i noveishaia istoriia
EditionIssue 1

Analyzing the military-political relations between the US and the EU, it is necessary to understand how building relationships with other international actors and regions of the world affects interaction within the North Atlantic Alliance. The goal of the research is the analysis of the regionalization of military-political interests of the USA and EU based on an example of the intervention in Libya in 2011. The article is devoted to the study of premises of the military-political interests in the USA-EU relations. To achieve that goal, the differences in military-political approaches of the USA and EU towards the Libyan intervention will be considered. The 2011 military intervention in Libya is a crucial example because it had highlighted the readiness of the USA to return to the collective military actions, which was a significant difference in comparison to the uniliteral military-political approach of George W. Bush. Moreover, it has also highlighted the EU’s readiness to lead possible future military actions. However, even though NATO’s intervention achieved its aim, it has also demonstrated the lack of consensus within the transatlantic alliance, as well as the further regionalization of members’ interests. The academic originality of the research is that although NATO’s intervention in Libya has been already analyzed from various angles, it has not been analyzed in the context of the regionalization of the military-political interests of the NATO’s American and European flanks. The authors conclude that NATO’s intervention in Libya showed the inconsistency of NATO-EU’s actions concerning the approach of a strategic consensus within the transatlantic alliance in a post-bipolar world.

Keywordsinternational relations, the USA, the EU, NATO, Libya, regionalization, military-political interests, transatlantic cooperation
Publication date29.01.2021
Number of characters28178
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