«Soft power» of Chinese education in Russia

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Leading Research Fellow, Institute of Far Eastern Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences; Professor, Military University of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation
Institute of Far Eastern Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences
Military University of the Ministry of Defense
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameAsia and Africa Today
EditionIssue 1

In the article the author presents the requirements for the development of the component «cultural competence» contained in International Curriculum for Chinese Language Education to teach Chinese as a foreign language for Confucius Institutes all around the world. The ways of expanding the presence of Confucius Institutes in the Russian educational space under the conditions of the suspension of the opening of new Confucius Institutes in Russia are described. These methods include: conversion of existing Confucius Classes to Confucius Institutes; the creation of new Confucius Classes by existing Confucius Institutes; initiation of the creation and actual organization of activities of teachers and teachers of the Chinese language associations in various federal districts of Russia, supporting the activities of the Association of graduates and interns of Chinese universities, etc. The author analyses the creation and functioning of various associations in the field of education in Russia: associations of teachers and teachers of Chinese, the Association graduates and interns of Chinese universities, Russian-Chinese specialized and regional associations of universities, the Association of Scientific and Technical Cooperation of the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China. The conclusion is made about the emergence of a new form of educational cooperation between Russia and China – the association. The positive moments of creation of high schools associations are revealed. The problems of associations functioning of Russian-Chinese universities in Russia are formulated. It was concluded that an association as a new form of educational cooperation replaces the Confucius Institutes in Russia.

Keywordssoft power, Russian-Chinese educational cooperation, Confucius Institutes, associations of teachers and teachers of the Chinese language, associations of Russian and Chinese universities
Publication date05.03.2020
Number of characters23877
100 rub.
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1. About Confucius Institutes/Classrooms (In Chin.). http://www.hanban.org/confuciousinstitutes/node_10961.htm (accessed 01.03.2019)

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6. The first in the Russian Federation Arbor Confucius was opened in Moscow (In Russ.). https://www.eastrussia.ru/news/v_moskve_otkryta_pervaya_v_rf_besedka_konfutsiya/ (accessed 24.03.2019)

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10. The Association of Chinese Language Teachers of the Volga Federal District is developing its activities on the basis of KFU (In Russ.). https://kpfu.ru/imoiv/na-baze-kfu-razvivaet-svoju-deyatelnost-355886.html (accessed 24.04.2019)

11. Cooperation Agreement between the Confucius Institute of Moscow State University and “School with in-depth study of a foreign language No. 1293” (In Russ.). https://sch1293.mskobr.ru/files/soglashenie_s_institutom_konfuciya.pdf (accessed 20.04.2019)

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