Medicine in the Optics of artificial Intelligence: the philosophical Context of the Future

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Head of Department of Philosophy of Education, Faculty of Philosophy
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Lenin Hills, the educational building "Shuvalovsky", Moskow 119234, Russian Federation
Journal nameChelovek
EditionVolume 30 Issue №6

The article describes the main trends in the transformation of medicine as a science and healthcare industry in the direction of 4P medicine, orientated towards an achievement which is inextricably linked with the use of artificial intelligence systems (AI). The article highlights the characteristics of systems designed to solve intellectual problems in medicine and healthcare: software (algorithmic) solution of an intellectual problem, hardware implementation is not necessary; ability to analyze the environment; some degree of autonomy in the implementation of the algorithm; as a rule, self-learning ability; the presence of signs of intelligence (“rationality”, “the ability to think like a person” in certain circumstances significant for medicine). In the framework of biomedicine with the use of intelligent systems (applied AI), fundamentally new forms and possibilities of describing, explaining and predicting objects and processes that significantly transform research, therapeutic, communicative social practices and at the same time generate a range of ethical and legal problems. Conceptualization and reassembly in a philosophical context require an interpretation of the connection between natural and social, individual and collective, deterministic and random, fixed in the new knowledge and practices of biomedicine. Socio-humanitarian examination is designed to describe and evaluate the image of the future in medicine, which forms the orientation on the use of AI systems. The article introduces the author’s understanding of the image of the future in medicine, oriented in science and practical health care to the 4P paradigm and actively letting in AI systems. The concept of “4C future medicine” is introduced, which has the following features: controllability construction, complexity, conflict.

Keywordsartificial intelligence, artificial intelligence systems, medicine, health care, bioethics, social and humanitarian expertise, philosophical problems
Publication date12.12.2019
Number of characters35299
100 rub.
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