The Epistemic Preconditions of Philosophical Analysis of Creativity

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Leading Researcher, Head of Department of Philosophical Problems of Creativity
Affiliation: Institute of Philosophy of Russian Academy of Science
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameVoprosy filosofii
EditionIssue 11

Epistemic preconditions of philosophical analysis of creativity have been studied in this paper. It is clearly demonstrated, that creativity gives the way to innovative intentions of Modernity and should be viewed as the process of new cultural meanings’ formation. It also widens semantic space of human reason, activity and social organization. Meaningful dimensions of creativity have also been studied such as cognitive procedures of both meaning-constitutive activity in the framework of transcendental phenomenology and “split-sense” in analytical philosophy. The work has been implemented in the framework of the state project “Epistemology of creativity: cognitive and socio-cultural dimensions”.

Keywordscreativity, meaning, phenomenology, language
Publication date19.12.2018
Number of characters555
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Система Orphus
