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1. Kasavin, Ilya T. (2019) The Scientists Dilemma: Profession or Vocation, Voprosy Filosofii, Vol. 7 (2019), pp. 2353 (In Russian).
2. Pruzhinin, Boris (1986) Rationality and historical unity of scientific knowledge, Nauka, Moscow (In Russian)
3. Pruzhinin, Boris I. (2005) Applied and fundamental in the ethos of modern science, Philosophy of science. Ethos of science at the turn of the century, 11, Institut of Philosophy, Moscow, pp. 109120 (In Russian).
4. Pruzhinin, Boris I. (2009) Ratio serviens? Outlines of cultural and historical epistemology, ROSSPEN, Moscow (In Russian).
5. Pruzhinin, Boris I., Antonovskiy, Alexander Yu., Dorozhkin, Aleksander M., Griftsova, Irina N., Kasavin, Ilya T., Maslanov, Evgeniy V., Nevvazhay, Igor D., Pirozhkova, Sophia V., Shchedrina, Tatiana G., Sokolova, Tatiana D., Sorina, Galina V., Stoliarova, Olga E., Voronina, Natalia N., Yudin, Boris G. Communications in Science: Epistemological, Socio-cultural and Infrastructural Aspects. Materials of the Round Table, Voprosy Filosofii, Vol. 11 (2017), pp. 2353 (In Russian).
6. Pruzhinin, Boris I., Shchedrina, Tatiana G. (2017) The Ideas Of Cultural-Historical Epistemology in Russian Philosophy of the Twentieth Century, Social Epistemology, 31, 1, pp. 1624.