Immigration to US from Sub-Saharan African Countries at the Second Decade of XXI Century

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute for U.S. and Canadian Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences
Journal nameAsia and Africa Today
EditionIssue 4

The article discusses contemporary migration from sub-Saharan Africa to the United States, which is rising steadily over the past decades. The African immigrants from sub-Saharan Africa become one of the fastest-growing immigration segments in the United States, making 70 percent of all African immigrants in the middle of the current decade; with growing share in the workforce. They often represent the most highly educated from their native countries, predominately English-speaking, and have higher educational levels than most native-born Americans. The majority of African immigrants from sub-Saharan Africa come from Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Ethiopia and South Africa. The article focuses on the dynamics, structure of migrant inflows from this region to the US, taking into consideration that according to World Bank in the decade’s ahead sub-Saharan Africa will be the key region of labor force supply. The structure of migrant inflows to the US needs special attention. Besides family preferences (relatives of U.S. citizens), the sub-Saharan immigrants (legal permanent residents) come mainly through the diversity visa program (also known as the visa lottery program), as refugees. Though Sub-Saharan Africans immigrants were more likely to be proficient in English and speak English at home than the overall U.S. foreign-born population, participate in the workforce at a higher rate than the overall immigrant and U.S.-born populations, they experience a higher poverty rate than immigrants overall and less median income. Despite having more college education, black African immigrant men earn less than white men born in the United States and half of the black population depends on the government social security program (witout its benefits their income would be under the american poverty line). In spite of Trump’s policy aimed at the immigration restrictions, according to the polls, Sub-Saharan Africans who plan to migrate prefer going to the US in the nearest future.

Keywordsinternational migration, migrant remittances, Sub-Saharan Africa, US
Publication date29.04.2019
Number of characters15716
100 rub.
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