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Fig. 1. Group 1. Ring-shaped weights. Photo by S.V. Ivanov, drawings of E.G. Tolmacheva, O.V. Vingoltc. ( [Download]
Fig. 2. Groups 2 (doughnut-shaped weights, No. 4–9) and 3 (semicircular weight, No. 11). Photo by B. Boismoreau, drawings of O.V. Vingoltc. ( [Download]
Fig. 3. Groups 4 (pyramidal weights, No. 12–15) and 5 (tear-shaped weights, No. 16, 17). Photo by S.V. Ivanov, drawings of M.S. Danilova, O.V. Vingoltc, E.G. Tolmacheva. ( [Download]
Fig. 4. Group 6. Trapezoidal weight. Drawn by O.V. Vingoltz. ( [Download]
Fig. 5. Dating of weights from Memphis. ( [Download]
Fig. 6. Weight of clay weights from Memphis (1 – doughnut-shaped, 2 – py-ramidal, 3 – tear-shaped). ( [Download]