Small and middle countries of Latin America in the United Nations: the current stage

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Saint Petersburg State University
Address: Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg
Affiliation: Saint Petersburg State University
Address: Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg
Journal nameLatin America
EditionIssue 4

The issue of the interaction of small and medium Latin American states with structures and organizations of the UN family as a whole remains little explored. This paper focuses on filling this gap and, as a result, broadening the view on the potential of Latin American countries’ participation in global governance. Based on general scientific methods, the authors build several models according to which it is possible to classify the behavior of minor regional players in the UN. It is shown that, although for the majority of Latin American “secondary” players, interaction with this universal institution takes place on a narrow range of issues, several small and middle powers seek active influence on the UN agenda, a significant role in its activities and future, and the status of the recipient of international UN assistance is not always associated with the image of a passive and destabilized actor. The authors come to the conclusion that the formats of participation in the UN of relatively weaker and less powerful countries in a regional context reflect their desire to attract global attention and accumulate resources to resolve significant internal problems and to overcome the drawbacks of their peripheral position.

KeywordsLatin America, UN, middle and small powers, international law, multilateralism, international image of the state
Publication date03.04.2020
Number of characters32981
100 rub.
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