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1. Andreev N.G. The Description of the Kyrghyz-Kaisak Middle Horde. Comp., comment. and transcribed from the 18th century cursive by I.V. Еrofeeva. Almaty: Gylym, 1998 (in Russian).
2. The Anyrakai Triangle: A History-cum-geography Area and a Chronicle of the Great Battle. Ed. by I.V. Erofeeva. Almaty: Daik-Press, 2008 (in Russian).
3. Archaeology of Semirechie, 1857–1912. Comp. by I.M. Samigulin, ed. by B.T. Zhanaev. Astana: LEM, 2011 (in Russian).
4. Baipakov K.M., Erofeeva I.V., Kazizov E.S., Yampol’skaya I.V. Buddhist Monastery Ablai-khit. Almaty: Arkheologicheskaya ekspertiza, 2019 (in Russian).
5. Bolonev F.F. Semeiskie. Historical and Ethnographic Essays. Ulan-Ude: Buryat publishing house, 1985 (in Russian).
6. The Nomads’ Contribution to the Development of World Civilization. Ed. by I.V. Erofeeva, A.M. Khazanov, L.E. Massanova. Almaty: Daik-Press, 2008 (in Russian).
7. Vologodskaya G. Settlements coming to be vacant before our eyes. Caravan, 09.12.2011 (in Russian).
8. Decembrists. A Biographical Dictionary. Prep. by S.V. Mironenko, ed. by acad. M.V. Nechkina. Moscow: Nauka, 1988 (in Russian).
9. Erofeev V.S., Tsekhanovskii Yu.G. Paragenetic Associations of Continental Sediments (Family of Humid Parageneses). Proceedings of the Geological Institute. Vol. 363. Moscow: Nauka, 1982 (in Russian).
10. Erofeev V.S., Tsekhanovskii Yu.G. Paragenetic Associations of Continental Sediments (Family of Arid Parageneses. Evolutionary Periodicity). Proceedings of the Geological Institute. Vol. 373. Moscow: Nauka, 1983 (in Russian).
11. Erofeeva I.V. Kazakhstan in the Second Half of the 18th – First Quarter of the 19thCentury in the Works and Notes of Russian Travelers and Scholars: Dissertation for the Candidate Degree in History. Alma-Ata, 1979 (in Russian).
12. Erofeeva I. Nurbulat Edigeevich Massanov as a scholar and individual. Acta Evrasica. 2007(1). No. 4 (38). Pp. 45–57 (in Russian).
13. Erofeeva I. The Migration of the Slavic population from Kazakhstqan: A Regional perspective (Case studies of the regions of Northern and Eastern Kazakhstan). On the Move: Voluntarily and Involuntarily. Post-Soviet Migrations in Eurasia. Ed. by A. Vyatkin, N. Kosmarskaya, S. Panarin. Moscow: Natalis Press, 1999(1). Pp. 154–179 (in Russian).
14. Yerofeyeva I. The Slavic population of Eastern Kazakhstan in the 18th–20th centuries: Migration, stages in sociocultural evolution, issues of repatriation. Ethnic Nationalism and Construction of a Nation-state. Ed. by Yu.G. Aleksandrov. Moscow: Institute of Oriental Studies of the RAS – Natalis-Press, 2001(1). Pp. 321–372 (in Russian).
15. Erofeeva I. Khan Abulkhair: Commander, Ruler and Politician. Almaty: Sanat, 1999(2) (in Russian).
16. Erofeeva I.V. The Kazakh khanate and power in a traditional society. Massanov N.E., Abylkhozhin Zh.B., Erofeeva I.V., Alekseenko A.N., Baratova G.S. History of Kazakhstan. Peoples and Cultures. Almaty: Daik-Press, 2000(1). Pp. 113–207 (in Russian).
17. Erofeeva I.V. Migrations into and within Kazakhstan in the pre-revolutionary period. Massanov N.E., Abylkhozhin Zh.B., Erofeeva I.V., Alekseenko A.N., Baratova G.S. History of Kazakhstan. Peoples and Cultures. Almaty: Daik-Press, 2000(2). Pp. 230–256 (in Russian).
18. Erofeeva I. Symbols of the Kazakh State. Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Times. Almaty: Arkaim, 2001(2) (in Russian).
19. Erofeeva I.V. Genealogies of Kazakh Khans and Kozha of the 18th–19th Centuries (History, Historiography, Sources). Almaty: Print-S, 2003 (in Russian).
20. Erofeeva I.V. Events and people of the Kazakh steppe in the late Middle Ages and Modern Times as an object of historical remistification. N.E. Massanov, Zh.B. Abylkhozhin, I.V. Erofeeva. Historiography in Present-day Kazakhstan: Myth-making Versus Scientific Knowledge. Ed. by R. Krumm. Almaty: Daik-Press, 2007. Pp. 132–224 (in Russian).
21. Irina Viktorovna Erofeeva. Enzyklopädie der Russlanddeutschen (in Russian). https://enc.rusdeutsch. ru/articles/6012 (accessed: 21.01.2021).
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23. Historical-cultural atlas of the Kazakh people. Ed. by I.V. Erofeeva. Almaty: Print-S, 2011 (in Russian).
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29. Massanov N.E. The Kazakh Nomadic Civilization: Lovelihoods Foundations of a Nomadic Society. Second supplemented edition. Comp. by L.E. Massanova, I.V. Erofeeva. Almaty: Nurbulat Masanov foundation, 2011 (in Russian).
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34. From Altai to the Caspian Sea. Atlas of the Kazakhstan Monuments and Sights of Nature, History and Culture. Vols. 1–3. Ed. by I.V. Erofeeva. Almaty: s.p., 2011 (in Russian).
35. Platz I.A. Note on the biography of Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Zharkov, one of the Kemerovo mine founders. Uchenye zapiski muzeya-zapovednika “Tomskaya Pisanitsa”. 2019. Vol. 10. Pp. 139–141 (in Russian).
36. Pochekaev R.Yu. Rev.: Epistolary heritage of the Kazakh ruling elite of 1675–1821. Introduction, biographies, commentaries, comp. and ed. by I.V. Erofeeva. Almaty: ABDI Kompani, 2014. Pis’mennye pamyatniki Vostoka. 2016. No. 1 (24). Pp. 139–141 (in Russian).
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38. Rogozhinskii A.E. Petroglyphs Within the Archaeological Landscape of Tamgaly. Almaty: Signet Print, 2011 (in Russian).
39. The Role of Nomads in the Formation of the Cultural Heritage of Kazakhstan. Ed. by I. Erofeeva, B. Zhanaev, L. Massanova, Almaty: Print-S, 2010 (in Russian).
40. The Role of Nomads of the Eurasian Steppes in the Development of World Military Art. Ed. by I. Erofeeva, B. Zhanaev, L. Massanova. Almaty: LEM, 2010 (in Russian).
41. Sagadiev A. The talentless are always prone to perfidy... The Kazakhstani Ministry of Culture is liquidating a unique Institute of Nomadism. Сentrasia. 26.07.2011 (in Russian). (accessed: 24. 01.2021).
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43. Phenomenon of Nomadism in the History of Eurasia. Ed. by I.V. Erofeeva. Almaty: Daik-Press, 2007 (in Russian).
44. Trepalov V.V. [Review of:] Epistolary heritage of the Kazakh ruling elite of 1675–1821. A collection of historical documents. T. 1–2. Introduction, biographies, commentaries, comp. and ed. by I.V. Erofeeva. Almaty: ABDI Kompani, 2014. Vostok (Oriens). 2016. No. 4. Pp. 224–227 (in Russian).
45. Epistolary Heritage of the Kazakh Ruling Elite of 1675–1821. A Collection of Historical Documents. T. 1–2. Introduction, biographies, commentaries by I.V. Erofeeva. Comp. and ed. by I.V. Erofeeva. T. 1. Letters of the Kasakh rulers issued between 1675 and 1780. T. 2. Letters of the Kasakh rulers issued between 1738 and 1821. Almaty: ABDI Kompani, 2014 (in Russian).
46. Yuritsyn V. Irina Erofeeva hacked the correspondence of khans and sultans, but exclusively for the sake of science. Zona-Kz. 13.04.2015 (in Russian). (accessed: 06.02.2010).