Gaulish cara vs. Latin cara: towards the problem of archaic semantic syncretism

Publication type Article
Status Published
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991, Russia
Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 125009, Russia
Journal nameVoprosy Jazykoznanija
EditionIssue 5

The departing point of the article is the Gaulish inscription from Trier No. 3909 (CIL) in which the Latin word cara ‘nice, dear’ is used in the meaning ‘loving’. The author finds many errors of the same type in late Latin funerary inscriptions from Gallia and gives a suggestion, that this error was influenced by the labile meaning of the Gaulish caros, cara, having both meanings: ‘dear’ and ‘loving’. The problem of semantic shift ‘dear’ — ‘to love’ and the idea of archaic polysemantic is also discussed. 

KeywordsLate Empire, Latin in Gaulish districts, Gallo-Latin bilingualism, verbalization of adjectives, semantic shift, grammaticalization, the children language, the notion of love
Publication date20.10.2015
Number of characters719
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