Generalization: Definition, discourse functions, markers (in Russian, French, and Italian)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Université de Genève
Institute of Informatics Problems of the FRC CSC, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Switzerland, Geneva, 1211; Russian Federation, Moscow, 119333
Journal nameVoprosy Jazykoznanija
EditionIssue 3

The paper offers a description of generalization as a semantic category. First, the author distinguishes three values of this concept: generalization as a) logical-semantic relation, b) inherent property of the utterance related to its linguistic structure, and c) propositional attitude. The main attention is paid to generalization as a logical-semantic relation with the three subtypes of summarizing, inductive, and justifying generalization. The author describes the textual functions of generalization and also proposes a brief contrastive overview of its markers in Russian, French, and Italian. In conclusion, the author suggests that the logical-semantic relation of generalization is not only metatextual, as is commonly believed, but can be established at the level of propositions.

KeywordsFrench, generalization, Italian, logical-semantic relations, Russian, semantics
Publication date08.05.2017
Number of characters786
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