Native Speaker’s Creativity and Word Play

Publication type Article
Status Published
Belarussian State University
Ural Federal University
Address: 4 Nezavisimosti Prosp., Minsk, 220030, Republic of Belarus
Journal nameIzvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka
EditionVolume 79 Issue 6

The capacity for verbal creativity inherent in the linguistic consciousness is considered: occasional word formation, the use of potential grammatical forms, occasional combination of words, their non-usual semantization, etc. Examples from Russian fiction, folklore, jargon, family language are given. Unusual nominations (such as repressalii – “provisos&8j1; or brahmaputra – “rubbish&8j1;) are interpreted in connection with the theory of "linguistic variables". It is concluded that the language game in some respect is designed to correct the incompleteness or imperfection of the language system.

Special attention is paid to the type of language play called “Entimological Dictionary&8j1;. This is a systematic attempt to deliberately give a word someone elseʼs (wrong, but plausible) meaning, like nudist as “boring rapporteur”. The relationship of this play with a false etymology and its parodic nature are revealed. The linguistic aspects of this play, its use for lexicography are described. The productivity of the word-formation model, the degree of word popularity, methods of its semantization, etc. are taken into account.

Keywordsverbal creativity, language play, lexical meaning, semantization, “Entimological dictionaryˮ, parody.
AcknowledgmentThe research is supported by the Government of the Russian Federation, according to Act 211, contract № 02.A03.21.0006.
Publication date25.12.2020
Number of characters37103
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