Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: head of department
Affiliation: V.V. Vinogradov Russian Language Institute
Address: Moscow, 12ya Novokuzminskaya 4/2-16
Journal nameIzvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka
EditionVolume 78 Issue 2

The extra-texts in East Slavic manuscripts of the 11th-14th centuries, i.e. texts written on the margin, on the first or last pages, on the covers or next to the illustrations in the books as well as the commentaries to the genuine texts of these manuscripts, are amongst the main sources on the history of Old Russian. The extra-texts demonstrate a wide range of information about the life and culture of the Eastern Slavs not represented in any other type of medieval sources: these texts mention historical facts and persons which are not referred to in the chronicles, charters, and inscriptions, report some features of the life of scribes, record descriptions of the various natural phenomena, reports of diseases, medical recipes, vaticinations; from the point of view of literature many of notes are interesting since they present folklore texts (riddles, proverbs) and even elements of poetry (including the rhymed one). Even the notes consisting of just a few words often contain the unique or the most ancient instances of some Old Russian lexemes as well as reflect rare grammatical features. The stylistic range of notes extends from the vernacular to the exaggerated bookish periods. The creation of the integral corpus of the Old Russian extra-texts, verified in the historical and philological terms, accompanied by the top-grade photocopies, the necessary apparatus, the translations into modern Russian, and a word index, will be essential for a comprehensive study of the history, culture and language of the Ancient Rus.

Keywords Old Russian, sources, extra-texts, content, vocabulary, grammar, edition.
Publication date28.05.2019
Number of characters48661
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Система Orphus
