Intralingual Varieties in Interlingual Contact (The Case of Migrant Russian in Germany)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Associate Professor (Privatdozent)
Affiliation: University of Cologne
Address: Cologne, Germany
Journal nameIzvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka
EditionVolume 82 Issue 5

The paper examines the evolution of the system of intralingual varieties of Russian in the context of migration-affected unbalanced multilingualism (Russian as a heritage language vs German as a language of official communication). In this specific case of multilingualism, two languages with similar sociolinguistic characteristics (status, polyfunctionality, codification) enter in contact, whereby Russian, as a language without administrative status and used only in the personal sphere, is de facto reduced to one (informal) communicative code. This situation in turn contributes to the lexical, morphosyntactic and pragmatic transfer from German into Russian. However, as the analysis of sociolinguistic and linguistic data shows, interlingual contact also affects the system of Russian language varieties. The reduction of the original repertoire of intralingual varieties and the transfer of German interlingual varieties, i.e. the emergence of a new (mixed) system, is explained by the change in the sociolinguistic characteristics of the Russian language due to migration. An indicator of the emerging polylingual variation, including stratification, is the switching of the interlingual code instead of the intralingual code, a typical feature of the second generation in the diaspora.

Keywordslanguages in contact, migration-affected unbalanced multilingualism, migrant heritage languages, intralingual varieties, intergenerational language shift, Russian, German
Publication date29.01.2024
Number of characters37694
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