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6. Golovnev, A.V., Kisser, T.S. Etnoportret imperii v trudakh P.S. Pallasa i I.G. Georgi [Ethno-Portrait of the Empire in the Works of P.S. Pallas and I.G. Georgi]. Uralskiy istoricheskiy vestnik [Ural Historical Bulletin]. 2015, No. 3 (48), pp. 59–69. (In Russ.)
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8. Pallas, P.S. Reise durch verschiedene Provinzen des Russischen Reichs. Erster Theil. [Journey through Different Provinces of the Russian Empire. Part one]. St. Petersburg, Kayserliche Academie der Wissenschaften [Imperial Academy of Sciences], 1771. 565 p. (In German)
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11. Voloshina, O.A. “Sravnitelnyy slovar vsekh yazykovˮ Petra Simona Pallasa [“A Comparative Dictionary of All Languagesˮ by Peter Simon Pallas]. Vestnik Nizhegorodskogo Universiteta [Bulletin of the Nizhny Novgorod University]. 2012, No. 6-1, pp. 354–361. (In Russ.)
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13. Normanskaya, Yu.V., Koshelyuk N.A. Neopublikovannyy mansiyskiy slovar P.S. Pallasa – raneye neizvestnyy mansiyskiy dialekt? [Is the Unpublished Mansi Dictionary of P.S. Pallas a Previously Unknown Mansi Dialect?]. Uralo-altaiskiye issledovaniya [Ural-Altaic Studies]. 2020, No. 1 (36), pp. 92–100. (In Russ.)
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31. Lepekhin, I.I. Dnevnyye zapiski puteshestviya doktora i akademii nauk ayunkta Ivana Lepekhina po raznym provintsiyam Rossiyskogo gosudarstva v 1768 i 1769 godu [Daily Notes of the Journey of the Doctor and the Academy of Sciences, Associate Ivan Lepekhin, to Different Provinces of the Russian State in 1768 and 1769]. St. Petersburg, Imperatorskaya tipografiya [Imperial Printing House], 1771. 537 p. (In Russ.)
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41. Kondratyeva, Ye.V. Semeyno-rodovyye prazdniki i obryady chuvashey i udmurtov [Family and Tribal Holidays and Rituals of the Chuvash and Udmurts]. Vestnik Nizhegorodskogo Universiteta [Bulletin of the Nizhny Novgorod University]. 2016, Volume 15, No. 5, pp. 235–241. (In Russ.)
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53. Dambuyev, I.A. Russkaya toponimiya Vostochnoy Sibiri v “Puteshestvii po raznym provintsiyam Rossiyskogo gosudarstvaˮ P.S. Pallasa [Russian Toponymy of Eastern Siberia in P.S. Pallas’ Journey to Different Provinces of the Russian State Siberian]. Sibirskiy filologicheskiy zhurnal [Siberian Journal of Philology]. 2016, No. 1, pp. 208–212. (In Russ.)
54. Kuznetsova, R.S., Senator, S.A. Opyt sostavleniya toponimicheskoy karty Srednego Povolzhya po materialam ekspeditsii P.S. Pallasa 1768–1769 gg. [The Experience of Compiling a Toponymic Map of the Middle Volga Region based on the Materials of the Expedition of P.S. Pallas in 1768–1769]. Voprosy onomastiki [Problems of Onomastics], 2021, Volume 18, No. 2, pp. 237–259. (In Russ.)