Language Game with a Case Ending -ов or How Padonki Were Replaced by Kittens

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Humanitarian University
Address: 2 bld. 9 Ilovaiskaya Str., Moscow, 109651, Russia
Affiliation: St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Humanitarian University
Address: 2 bld. 9 Ilovaiskaya Str., Moscow, 109651, Russia
Journal nameIzvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka
EditionVolume 81 Issue 4

The article discusses the non-standard use of the endings of nouns for feminine and neuter words (продавать рыбов), which became popular in the Runet language in 2021. The competition of the zero ending with -ов in the genitive and animate accusative, arising in the Old Russian language as a result of mixing two declensions, in the modern language led to the victory of -ов (нет столов, домов), while maintaining the zero ending for some groups (нет англичан, мальчишек) and variation in colloquial speech for a number of words (нет помидоров/помидор), meanwhile the zero option in the XXI century is clearly less common than the “ов-forms”. Under the influence of a “viral” meme about a conversation between cats and a seller, since the summer of 2021, a language game has become widespread, consisting in intentionally joining of -ов to the “unsuitable” stem: рыбов, книгов, деньгов, etc. Such a language game has existed for a long time (for example, the traditional ironic imitation of the colloquial делов-то), but as rare individual jokes, and in 2021 it became frequent, popular, used in a variety of memes and in advertising, associated with the theme of “kittens” and a certain worldview. The “Language of kittens” began to turn into a new linguoculturological phenomenon, comparable in degree of recognition to the Olbanian, or the Padonkaffsky jargon, the peak of popularity of which occurred in the mid-2000s. Now, instead of the misrepresentation of the orthographic appearance of the word (аффтар), which is characteristic of the Olbanian, referring to the idea of protest, the grammatical form is changing, referring to the idea of quiet touching humility before the injustice of life.

Keywordsanacoluthon, grammatical variation, case variation, Internet memes, linguoculturology, Olbanian, spoken-written language of the Internet, errative, Padonkaffsky jargon, language game
AcknowledgmentThe article was prepared within the framework of the project “Uncodified Russian speech of the XXI century: grammatical variability. The first stage” with the support of the St. Tikhon’s Orthodox University and the “Living Traditionˮ Foundation.
Publication date28.09.2022
Number of characters17674
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