The Root *dheh1- ‘Put, Pose; Make, Act’ in Old Greek and Italic on the Indo-European Background

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: 1/12, build.1 B. Kislovsky Lane, Moscow, 125009, Russia
Journal nameIzvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Seriia literatury i iazyka
EditionVolume 81 Issue 1

The development of root *dheh1- is considered, previously in Greek and Italic. This root, as also some other with laryngeal auslaut, is developed into a stem with auslaut *¬-k-, whose origin is disputable. Probably, it appeared as a glide, a result connection of two laryngeals (in 1 Sg. perfect), and originally characterized its “strong” forms. This glide is spread on the stem of aorist, and became a marker of active singular. In some other roots it spread on the whole verbal paradigm in all tenses. The verbal stem in Italic is formed with this *-k- – the variant with full grade in preterit, and derived present with zero grade and suffix *-io-; then a stative verb with suffix -ē-. Traces of the same morphological process are attested also in Germanic language; in Tocharian languages there are stems with -k-, what replaces an old laryngeal. The morphological and semantic archaisms of the root *dheh1- is argued

Keywordsetymology, reconstruction, morphology, Indo-European verb, laryngeal, ablaut
Publication date11.03.2022
Number of characters50565
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