Right-wing Nationalist Parties (Narodovtsy) in Poland in the 1990s

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: associate professor
Affiliation: Voronezh State University
Address: Voronezh , Russia, Voronezh
Journal nameSlavianovedenie
EditionIssue 1

The article examines the emergence and activities of right-wing nationalist parties in Poland, which appealed to the traditions of national democracy by R. Dmowski, during the period of post-communist transformation. Their methods of activity, relations between them and with other political forces, participation in election campaigns, as well as their ideas and political demands are shown. The author analyzes the reasons, why in the 1990s these parties failed to take a strong position on the Polish political scene.

KeywordsPoland, political parties, political struggle, nationalist parties, nationalism, narodovtsy (natives).
Publication date28.03.2023
Number of characters37771
100 rub.
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