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1. Zaklyuchitel'nyi akt IV-oi sessii Soveshchaniya ministrov, vedayushchikh voprosami svyazi v sotsialisticheskikh stranakh, Varshava - iyun' 1961 g. [Final act of the 4th session of the Conference of Ministers in charge of communications in the socialist countries, Warsaw - June 1961] // BArch. DM 302/4601 (p. 2). Abschlußakte der IV. OSS-Ministerkonferenz 1961. (in Russian)
2. Zaklyuchitel'nyi akt VI-oi sessii Soveshchaniya ministrov, vedayushchikh voprosami svyazi v sotsialisticheskikh stranakh, Pekin, iyun'-iyul' 1965 g. [Final act of the 6th session of the Conference of Ministers in charge of communications in the socialist countries, Beijing, June-July 1965] // BArch. DM 302/4601 (p. 3). Abschlußakte der VI. OSS-Ministerkonf. 1965. (in Russian)
3. Zaklyuchitel'nyi akt XI sessii soveshchaniya ministrov, vedayushchikh voprosami svyazi v sotsialisticheskikh stranakh. Tbilisi, sentyabr' - oktyabr' 1978 g. [Final act of the XI session of the conference of ministers in charge of communications in the socialist countries. Tbilisi, September - October 1978] // BArch. DM 302/5018. XI. Tbilissi 1978 (OSS-Ministerkonferenzen, Dokumente). (in Russian)
4. Internationale Vergleiche im Post- und Fernmeldewesen – Studie zum Länderbericht «Post- und Fernmeldewesen der UdSSR» [International comparisons in the postal and telecommunications system - study on the country report «Post and telecommunications in the USSR»] // BArch, DM 3/35364. Studie zum Länderbericht "Post- und Fernmeldewesen der UdSSR". (in German)
5. Mezhdunarodnye ekonomicheskie i nauchno-tekhnicheskie organizatsii stran - chlenov SEV: Spravochnik / Pod obshchei red. V. V. Vorotnikova i D. A. Lebina. [International economic, scientific and technical organizations of the CMEA member countries] M.: Mezhdunar. Otnosheniya, 1980. (in Russian)
6. Polozhenie o Postoyannoi Komissii Soveta Ekonomicheskoi Vzaimopomoshchi po sotrudnichestvu v oblasti elektricheskoi i pochtovoi svyazi, punkt 11 [Regulations on the Permanent Commission of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance on cooperation in the field of electrical and postal communications, paragraph 11] // Osnovnye dokumenty Soveta Ekonomicheskoi Vzaimopomoshchi. Tom 1 / Sovet Ekonomicheskoi Vzaimopomoshchi. Sekretariat. Izdanie chetvertoe, dopolnennoe. [Basic documents of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance. Volume 1 / Council for Mutual Economic Assistance. Secretariat. Fourth edition, enlarged] M.: Sekretariat SEV, 1981. (in Russian)
7. Protokol 2-go zasedaniya KEPS v iyune 1972 g. (Moskva). Prilozhenie 6. [Protocol of the 2nd meeting of CEPS in June 1972 (Moscow). Appendix 6] // BArch. DM 3/15859. Bd.: 4. Protokolle der 2. Tagung in Moskau. (in Russian)
8. Protokol 11-go zasedaniya KEPS v noyabre 1976 g. (Kiev). [Protocol of the 11th CEPS meeting in November 1976 (Kyiv)] // BArch. DM 3/15878. Bd.: 22. Protokolle der 11. Tagung in Kiew. (in Russian)
9. Protokol 16-go zasedaniya KEPS v mae 1979 g. (Sofiya). Prilozhenie 7. [Protocol of the 16th CEPS meeting in May 1979 (Sofia). Appendix 7] // BArch. DM 3/15905. Bd.: 51. Protokolle der 16. Tagung in Sofia. (in Russian)
10. Protokol 16-go zasedaniya KEPS v mae 1979 g. (Sofiya). Prilozhenie 6. [Protocol of the 16th CEPS meeting in May 1979 (Sofia). Appendix 6] // BArch. DM 3/15902. Bd.: 53. Protokolle der 16. Tagung in Sofia. (in Russian)
11. Protokol 18-go zasedaniya KEPS v aprele 1980 g. (Budapesht). Prilozhenie 7. [Protocol of the 18th CEPS meeting in April 1980 (Budapest). Appendix 7] // BArch. DM 3/15912. Bd.: 60. Protokolle der 18. Tagung in Budapest. (in Russian)
12. Protokol 15-go zasedaniya KEPS v noyabre 1978 g. (Predyal, Rumyniya) [Protocol of the 15th CEPS meeting in November 1978 (Predeal, Romania)] // BArch. DM 3/15891. Bd.: 37. Protokolle der 15. Tagung in Predjal. (in Russian)
13. Obzor deyatel'nosti SEV mezhdu XXXVII i XXXIX zasedaniyami sessii Soveta / SEV, Sekretariat; [otv. za vyp. N. A. Kudryashov]. [Review of the activities of the CMEA between the XXXVII and XXXIX meetings of the session of the Council / CMEA, Secretariat; [res. for issue N. A. Kudryashov].] M.: Izdatel'skii otdel Upravleniya delami Sekretariata SEV, 1984. (in Russian)
14. Wörterbuch der Außenpolitik und des Völkerrechts. [Dictionary of Foreign Policy and National Law] Berlin: Dietz Verlag, 1980. (in German)
15. Kompleksnaya programma dal'neishego uglubleniya i sovershenstvovaniya sotrudnichestva i razvitiya sotsialisticheskoi ekonomicheskoi integratsii stran-chlenov SEV. [A comprehensive program for the further deepening and improvement of cooperation and development of the socialist economic integration of the CMEA member countries.] M.: Sekretariat SEV, 1971. (in Russian)
16. Osnovnye dokumenty Soveta Ekonomicheskoi Vzaimopomoshchi. Tom 1 / Sovet Ekonomicheskoi Vzaimopomoshchi. Sekretariat. Izdanie chetvertoe, dopolnennoe. [Basic documents of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance. Volume 1 / Council for Mutual Economic Assistance. Secretariat. Fourth edition, enlarged.] M.: Sekretariat SEV, 1981. (in Russian)
17. Dolgosrochnye tselevye programmy sotrudnichestva stran - chlenov SEV. [Long-term target programs of cooperation between the CMEA member countries.] M.: Sekretariat SEV, 1982. (in Russian)
18. Obzor deyatel'nosti SEV mezhdu 40 i 42 zasedaniyami sessii Soveta / SEV, Sekretariat; [otv. za vyp. Yu. P. Galkin]. [Review of the activities of the CMEA between the 40th and 42nd meetings of the session of the Council / CMEA, Secretariat; [res. for issue Yu. P. Galkin]] M.: Sekretariat SEV, 1986. (in Russian)
19. Obzor deyatel'nosti SEV mezhdu 42 i 44 zasedaniyami sessii Soveta / SEV, Sekretariat; [otv. za vyp. M. A. Melkonyan]. [Review of the activities of the CMEA between the 42nd and 44th meetings of the session of the Council / CMEA, Secretariat; [res. for issue M. A. Melkonyan]] M.: Sekretariat SEV, 1988. (in Russian)