Water Space Mythological Spirits in the Serbian and Chinese Folk Traditions

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute of Slavic Studies of Russian Academy of Scienсеs
Address: Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation.
Journal nameSlavianovedenie
EditionIssue 1

The paper puts into comparison the names and the identifying features of the Serbian and Chinese (Shandong province) mythological spirits (ss. water demons) along with the relevant rites and folk legends. The article examines anthropomorphic (Serb. водењак, lit. ‘waterman’, Chine. shuigui, lit. ‘water devil’, maorenshuiguai, lit. ‘haired devil’) and zoomorphic (Serb. водени бик,lit. ‘water bull’, Chin. biejing, lit. ‘water turtle’) water demonic creatures, as well as the dragon-like water monsters that form a separate group of the demons who belong with both water and air spaces.

The research is based on the methods of the Moscow ethnolinguistic school, which presupposes reconstruction of the ancient folk spiritual culture backed by the linguistic data (either texts or lexical units) and provides the reader with the stories and legends, rites and ceremonies, associated with water mythological spirits with their names and the models of such nominations. In conclusion, the author analyzes the typological similarities and differences of the investigated mythological water demons and their names, documented in the folk cultures of the Chinese Shandong province and Serbia.

Abstract (other)

Keywordswater demon, folk mythology, comparative demonology, ethnolinguistics, Shandong Province, Serbia.
Publication date28.03.2023
Number of characters22547
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