The «Albanian» 1968. Report of I.G. Senkevich on the Scientific Mission Against the Backdrop of the Political Landscape

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Chief Research Fellow Department of Regional History
Affiliation: Institute World History оf the Russian Academy оf Sciences
Address: Moscow, Russian Federation
Journal nameSlavianovedenie
EditionIssue 3

The article analyzes the international context in which the report compiled by I. G. Senkevich in late May-early June 1968 reflected results of her stay in Pristina and participation in the conference on the 500th Anniversary of Skanderbeg's death. The author explores the conditions under which the preparations for this symposium took place, the nature of Albanian-Yugoslav relations during this period, and the manifold meaning of the conference’s significance. The article draws parallels with a similar report compounded and submitted by the Albanian delegation to the party and state leadership of Albania, and the paper defines the differences between the two documents in terms of information about the scientific content of the symposium and of the characteristics of the delivered reports.

Abstract (other)

KeywordsAlbania, Е. Hoxha, Kosovo, Senkevich, Skanderbeg, USSR, Yugoslavia
Publication date20.06.2022
Number of characters35959
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