«Alphabet wars» in the history and modernity of Slavic languages: sidenotes to the Artur Steplewski’s book

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation:  assistant professor Chair for Slavic Philology Philological Faculty
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Moscow, Russian Federation
Journal nameSlavianovedenie
EditionIssue 6

The article concerns problematics of the (re)interpretation of graphicsof graphics and the alphabet in national categories in the history of Serbian, Croatian, and Ukrainian literary languages through the prism of A. Stemplevsky's monograph «Semiosis of Script: monograph «Semiosis of Script: Cyrillic and latin alphapet in Serbian and Croatian national discourse on the Slavic background».The concept of nationalization is introduced to describe expanding of meaning due to ideological and cultural connotationswhile alphabets as a whole or their separate graphemes have been used in the symbolic function.The article highlights the issues of the parallel functioning of the Latin and Cyrillic alphabet in the history and modernity of Serbian and Croatian, as well as other Slavic languages, and the perception of this fact in the usus and national discourse.Special attention is paid to the measures of language policy and the efforts of representatives of national elites who influence the choice of the alphabet and/or the principles of spelling during standardization.

Keywordsalphabet, script, grapheme, Serbian, Croatian, Ukrainian, Slavic languages, national identity, standardization.
Publication date13.12.2021
Number of characters34956
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