Town and village in miniatures of Sokrat Janowicz: development of the interpenetration model

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Leading Specialist
Affiliation: Institute of Slavonic studies RAS
Address: Moscow, 119334, Russia, Moscow, Leninsky prospect, 32A
Journal nameSlavianovedenie
EditionIssue 5

The article is devoted to three versions of the text of the Belarusian and Polish writer Sokrat Janovicz. Differences between one Polish and two Belarusian versions of the text are revealed, an attempt is made to analyse them from the point of view of the artistic representation of the situation of the Belarusian minority in Poland. The ways of assimilation of the local population are investigated.

KeywordsBelarusian literature, Polish literature, Tuteishiya, Belarusians in Poland, literary translation, biliterary affiliation, multiculturalism, multiculturalism
Publication date18.09.2020
Number of characters16243
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