Specific features of mutual compatibility of Slovak substances of short duration: chviľa и okamih

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Senior Researcher
Affiliation: Institute of Slavic studies RAS
Address: Moscow, 119334, Russia, Moscow, Leninsky prospect, 32A
Journal nameSlavianovedenie
EditionIssue 6

The article deals with the cases when Slovak substances with the meaning of short duration chviņa and okamih are used within one statement on the material of the Slovak national corpus. In order to more fully identify the specificity of the meaning of each of the lexemes, we analyze both the cases of their contextual synonymy, and those cases where the lexemes in a similar context demonstrate different compatibility or persistently occupy different valencies within a certain construction. We try to show that okamih is perceived as a unit with a minimum length and tends to denote the time of rational and analytical, while chviņa is treated as a unit of "stretched" time given in its direct perception.

Keywordstemporal vocabulary, semantics, compatibility, synonymy.
Publication date11.11.2019
Number of characters31700
100 rub.
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