Hungarian archaeologist Nándor Fettich and his connections with Russian émigré scholars

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute of universal history RAS
Address: Leninsky Prospect, 32A, Moscow, Russia, 119991
Occupation: Senior Researcher
Affiliation: Institute of history, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Address: Budapest, Hungary
Journal nameSlavianovedenie
EditionIssue 4

The article disposes personal and professional contacts of Hungarian archaeologist Nándor Fettich 1900–1971) with Russian émigré scholars. The main emphasis is put on his relations with the «Russian Prague» and the Seminar (later – the Archaeological Institute) named after N.P. Kondakov. The article outlines the role of Fettich as a cultural mediator between the Russian and the Hungarian scholarly circles, gives examples of specific research cooperation. Authors conclude that Fettich was the first foreign scholar, who took the path of collaboration with the Seminar. He not only made scholarly reports and published articles in Kondakov’s editions, but also launched the process of book-exchange, was helping Russian colleagues to get acquainted with Hungarian museums’ collections, gave scholarly advice. The article also shows that Fettich’s contacts were not limited to the «Russian Prague», and many prominent figures of the Russian émigré circles (Mikhail Rostovtzeff, Yuri Roerich) were demonstrating interest in his works. 

KeywordsNándor Fettiсh, Russian-Hungarian scholarly cooperation, Russian emigration, Archeological Institute named after N.P. Kondakov, history of archeology.
AcknowledgmentThe study was performed with financial support RFBR and Fund "the Russian language and culture" in Hungary in the framework of scientific project No. 18-59-23005.
Publication date11.07.2019
Number of characters36314
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