On the Role and Functions of Media Speech and Its Orthoepic Aspect in the Modern Linguistic Situation

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russia, Moscow
Journal nameRusskaya Rech’
EditionIssue 2

The author discusses a range of issues concerning orthoepic culture in the current language situation. The article considers not only the scope and content of different kinds of norms – the literary orthoepic norm and the media orthoepic norm, but also similarities and differences of various kinds of orthoepic dictionaries – academic and specialized dictionaries. The research indicates that relations between the literary norm and the media norm have varied throughout history. The sign of the current language situation is the expansion of TV and radio discourse as a sphere of modern literary Russian language. Its predominance has two main reasons – transition of the culture from “literature centrism” to “mediacentrism” and restructuring of the media system. The analysis of linguistic, scientific and orthological situation shows that the witnessed transformations mainly concern three points. Firstly, nowadays orthoepy of media texts is explored in terms of real modality. Secondly, the oral media has become one of the overall standard-setting sources. Thirdly, in recent decades the ways of orthoepic influence have change dramatically. According to our research, TV media practice has the greatest impact on both literary norm and language consciousness of native speakers. This fact obliges people who participate in socially significant communication and teach Russian language to different kinds of students to take care of their education and to raise their level of the orthoepic culture. 

Keywordsliterary orthoepic norm, media orthoepic norm, media outreach of the orthoepic knowledge, academic dictionaries, specialized dictionaries, functional subsystem, media
Publication date29.06.2020
Number of characters19851
100 rub.
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