«After the six year separation»? (concerning the dating of Vladimir F. Odoevsky’s travel diary of 1847)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Independent Researcher
Address: Russian Federation,
Occupation: Independent Researcher
Address: Russian Federation
Journal nameRusskaia literatura
EditionIssue 4

Тhe article calls for the redating of Vladimir F. Odoevsky’s travel diary. The manuscript is stored at the manuscript department of the national library of russia and bears the title the travel diary of 1847. Bibliographic references to this document in the academic literature are cited with the date suggested by the title. After a close study, the authors suggest that the manuscript dates from 1842 and reflects the realities of v. F. Odoevsky first trip abroad.

KeywordsV. F. Odoevsky, V. A. Zhukovsky, the travel diary of 1847, redating, 19th century russian literature
Publication date12.12.2019
Number of characters18011
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