Increasingly Complex Metamorphoses – the Product of “Arrow of Time” and Factor of Socio-Naturаl Turbulences

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Head of the Department of Sociology, MGIMO-University; Chief Researcher, Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Science
Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Science
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameSotsiologicheskie issledovaniya
EditionIssue 9

The author analyses more complex nature of modern metamorphoses as special non-linear phenomena initiating discontinuities and traumas of the former being as a result of an immutable shock acquiring a different quality. It is noted that the first sociological approaches to the study of social metamorphoses made it possible to reveal their historical and cultural conditionality, objective and subjective grounds, to disclose the ambivalence of human activity in their production: on the one hand, the orientation towards mercantile values leads to unintended consequences undermining the foundations of the existential security; on the other hand, following humanistic goals turns into seemingly unexpected charisma and the resurrection of the humane in man. Thanks to the tools of the reflexive sociology the valid knowledge of the metamorphoses of actants and agencies demonstrating the ability to self-determination was obtained: complex socio-natural realities reflect in their own way activity of people and structures that function as actors. As a result, there takes place an interference of challenges in the form of potentially possible “normal accidents” and challenges of the increasing civilizational confrontation. The author argues for the need to “rediscover” the place and role of modern metamorphoses in the functioning of society and nature: they are subjected to the “time arrow” effect, develop at an accelerating pace and in a more complex manner; become independent factor of socio-natural turbulence. Importance of developing managerial approaches to metamorphoses increases aiming at directing their potential energy to humanize humans’ relations as well as to bring changes into the vector of interactions in the society and inanimate and living nature.

Keywordsmetamorphosis, unforeseen consequences, reflection, socio-natural reality, actant, agency, civilization, “arrow of time”, turbulence, humanistic turn
Publication date09.11.2018
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