Professor I.T. Tarasov is a herald and the first developer of the functional system of administrative LAW (To the 170th anniversary of the birth)

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Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Russian state University of justice
Address: Russian Federation
Journal nameGosudarstvo i pravo
EditionIssue 2


The article analyzes the first steps to justify the functional system of Administrative Law, the herald and the first developer of which was Professor I.T. Tarasov. His work on administrative law highlights the contours of the functional system of Administrative Law, which includes the law of public administration, Police Law, administrative and control law. In this system, Police Law does not disappear, but is seen as a value aimed at ensuring the security of society and the individual. Analyzing the concept of "finance", Tarasov one of the first noted that part of it is the law. Without the law there is no Finance, there is an unordered mass of money.

The changes that occurred in the science of Administrative Law thanks to the creative mind of this scientist, his good faith in the processing of the provisions of Western European scientists (R. Mol, L. Stein, R. Gneist) contributed to the rapid transformation of the science of Police Law in the science of Administrative Law, adaptation in the Russian legal science of concepts such as "executive power", "public order", introduced the Russian society to the institute of administrative justice. On this side Tarasov can be considered as a reformer of this science. This reform is embodied in the works of administrative scientists the younger generation: V.V. Ivanovsky, E. N. Berends, V. F. Derujinsky and A.I. Elistratov, as well as in the works of Soviet scholars: S.S. Studenikin, G.I. Petrov, V.M. Manohin etc. 


KeywordsI.T. Tarasov, administrative scientists, functional system, Executive power, Police Law, Financial Law, Administrative Law
Publication date27.02.2019
Number of characters49083
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