Perfection of production technology canned composites from apples using secondary resources and intensive sterilization regimes

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Dagestan State Technical University
Address: Russian Federation, Makhachkala
Affiliation: Dagestan State Technical University
Address: Russian Federation, Makhachkala
Affiliation: Dagestan State Technical University
Address: Russian Federation, Makhachkala
Affiliation: Dagestan State Technical University
Address: Russian Federation, Makhachkala
Affiliation: Dagestan Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture
Address: Russian Federation, Makhachkala
Affiliation: Dagestan State University of National Economy
Address: Russian Federation, Makhachkala
Journal nameRossiiskaia selskokhoziaistvennaia nauka
EditionNumber 4

The article presents the results of research to improve the technology of production of canned compotes from apples using secondary products after cutting and cleaning fruits for boiling syrup and intensive heat sterilization, based on the use of new techniques – preheating fruits in banks in the electromagnetic field of ultrahigh frequency with sterilization under intensive regimes using high-temperature heat carriers and rotation of the cans during sterilization. It is established that the use of the resulting infusion of secondary products for boiling syrup, sugar provides savings of more than 8 kg per 1 tube of production, and the content of vitamin C in the finished product made using the proposed technology is more than 3 times higher than in traditional technology. Studies of progrevaemost and the actual lethality of microorganisms is confirmed that the developed mode provides the industrial sterility of canned food, at the same time provides savings of thermal energy and reduction in the duration of the mode of heat sterilization, compared with the traditional mode of sterilization, 20 min.


KeywordsSecondary products, compote, microwave treatment, sterilization mode, vitamin C.
Publication date30.09.2018
Number of characters1102
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