Identification of Habrobracon hebetor populations with RAPD markers

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Kuban State University
Address: Russian Federation, Krasnodar
Affiliation: All-Russian Research Institute of Biological Plant Protection
Address: Russian Federation, Krasnodar
Affiliation: All-Russian Research Institute of Biological Plant Protection
Address: Russian Federation, Krasnodar
Affiliation: Kuban State University
Address: Russian Federation, Krasnodar
Affiliation: All-Russian Research Institute of Biological Plant Protection
Address: Russian Federation, Krasnodar
Journal nameRossiiskaia selskokhoziaistvennaia nauka
EditionNumber 4

It was set that food preferences and terms of breeding of Habrobracon hebetor laboratory populations vary considerably. In this connection the necessity of intraspecies differentiations of populations gets up. Conducting identification of populations is today possible with DNA markers that are only effective and reliable means for the estimation of genetic distinctions between the populations of this insect species. RAPD analysis of different geographic populations of H.hebetor  (Krasnodar, Russia and Chimkent, Kazakhstan) was conducted. 21 RAPD primers were tested on specificity to H.hebetor DNA. There were reviled five RAPD primers (ОРА05, ОРА10, ОРВ01, ОРВ04, UBC519), with high specificity and ability to different H.hebetor populations. DNA markers specific to Krasnodar and Chimkent populations were conducted. They use clearly identify these H.hebetor populations. For the Krasnodar population there were RAPD- markers: 550 b.p. (UBC519), 500 and 700 b.p. (ОРА05); 1100, 1200 and 1300 b.p. (ОРА10); 220 and 800 b.p. (ОРВ04); 880 b.p. (ОРВ01); for the Chimkent population: 400, 600 and 1200 b.p. (UBC519); 600 and 950 b.p. (ОРА10); 800 b.p. (ОРВ01). Fully probably, that these RAPD primers can be used for identification and differentiation of other populations of H.hebetor.

KeywordsPCR, RAPD analysis, primer, insects, Habrobracon hebetor, population, DNA polymorphism, genetic diversity
Publication date30.09.2018
Number of characters1282
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