Traditional and innovative approaches in the breeding of garden chrysanthemums at the south of the russian far east

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Botanical Garden-Institute Far East Branch Russian Academy Sciences
Address: Russian Federation, Vladivostok
Journal nameRossiiskaia selskokhoziaistvennaia nauka
EditionNumber 4

Priority plant-breeding-meaningful signs and properties of new varieties, different from native and foreign analogues a complex adaptivity to biotic and abiotic stresses of monsoon climate of Russian Far East and high decorativeness are certain. Traditional and innovative approaches in the breeding of garden chrysanthemum are presented. Intervarietal, interspecific, closely related crosses, radiation mutagenesis are used. Interspecific hybridization based on adaptive Manchurian and Korean high-mountain species of the genus Chrysanthemum allowed to improve the genetic basis of existing varieties and to solve the problem of individual and complex economic features. For the first time in native breeding of garden chrysanthemum genotypes are created, combining the main target features: immunity to white rust, winter hardiness, optimum flowering period. Hybrids and sorts of new generation allowing to expand native assortment are got.


KeywordsGarden Chrysanthemum, wild species Chrysanthemum, intervarietal and interspecific hybridization
Publication date30.09.2018
Number of characters961
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