Mixing value of a winter rye with various viscosity

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Federal Research Center “Nemchinovka”
Address: Russian Federation
Affiliation: Federal Research Center “Nemchinovka”
Address: Russian Federation
Affiliation: Federal Research Center “Nemchinovka”
Address: Russian Federation
Affiliation: Federal Research Center “Nemchinovka”
Address: Russian Federation
Affiliation: Federal Research Center “Nemchinovka”
Address: Russian Federation
Affiliation: Federal Research Center “Nemchinovka”
Address: Russian Federation
Affiliation: Federal Research Center “Nemchinovka”
Address: Russian Federation
Affiliation: Federal Research Center “Nemchinovka”
Address: Russian Federation
Affiliation: Federal Research Center “Nemchinovka”
Address: Russian Federation
Affiliation: Federal Research Center “Nemchinovka”
Address: Russian Federation
Journal nameRossiiskaia selskokhoziaistvennaia nauka
EditionNumber 4

Wide use of a rye flourin the form of rye-wheaten and wheaten-rye mixes has caused a problem of mixing valueof cultivatedvarieties which for a rye is not less actual, than for wheat.The purpose of researches was comparative studying mixing value samples a winter rye with various viscosity of a water extract grain meal.Asrecipients used 6samplesa rye withlow viscosity (2,1-7,3 сP), and as donors - 3 sampleswith high viscosity (10,0-15,0 сP). Grainof the recipient and the donormixedin the ratio4:1, 3:2, 2:3 and 1:4.  Studied  attributes: viscosity of a water extract (VWE), height  of  amylogram ,  falling number, stable form of a toppling bread (relation H/D), volume of a squar bread.Mixing value of components of mixingestimated on effect of improvement (E). It is shown, that an attributeof viscosity and others the traits of quality correlativeconnected with him well submit to a rule of mixture:them expressionnaturally increased at increase of a share high viscosity the donor in a mix. Exception was made with volume of a squar bread, expressionwhich in this case decreased. At mixingactual values of attributes in mixes practically completely coincided with settlement. Essential deviations from the average values are revealed only on height amylogram and to volume of a squar bread that specifies possible  effects of interaction of mixed components. Negative correlation between a level of viscosity of the recipient and effect of his improvement (E ) is revealed ( r =-0,93). The most valuable improver  in mixes with low viscositya rye has proved to bedonor Moс-12-BB, differing high expressiontrait  VWE (15,0 сP). The conclusion is made, thatsuch rye can be carried to a category of a strong rye asshe is required to be added in a mix for improvement weak (low viscosity) a rye less.Addition high viscosity a rye to low viscosity in quantity of 20-40 % is considered the most preferable.


KeywordsA winter rye, viscosity of a water extract, the donor, the recipient, mixing value, effect of improvement, baking qualities of grain
Publication date30.09.2018
Number of characters1956
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