Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: associate professor, general psychology chair, psychological department, MSU.E-
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation,
Occupation: associate professor of clinical psychology department, leading research fellow of international laboratory of positive psychology and personality, HSE
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Higher School of Economics (National Research University)
Address: Russian Federation
Journal namePsikhologicheskii zhurnal
EditionVolume 40 Issue 2

Despite progress in psychology of self-regulation the problem of correspondence of different approaches and methods of its diagnostics are still controversial. Approbation of questionnaire for self-government study that was proposed by J. Kuhl in the context of self-regulation model and Personality systems interaction theory(PSI-theory) is the objective of the work. The questionnaire consists of 13 scales which are combined in 5 blocks (self-regulation, self-control, volition development, sensitivity to oneself, general life stress).497 students of psychological and pedagogical departments and 490 adults participated in the research. All respondents filled out self-regulation questionnaire; 262 respondents filled out activity self-regulation questionnaire; 121 – Big Five test and modified variant of Action-State Orientation questionnaire; 390 – coping behavior test (COPE). 39 persons re-completed the questionnaire in 2-3 weeks. Sufficient reliability (0.63–0.86, except sense experiencing scale), test-retest reliability and factor structure of questionnaire scales, correlations of scales with peculiarities of activity self-organization (purposefulness, regularity, persistence, self-organization), orientation at state in failure and planning, as well as with strategies of active rethinking and coping with stress situation are demonstrated. Thus, the questionnaire for self-regulation study can be considered as reliable and valid one and can be used in studies in which differentiation and comparison of different aspects of activity and state self-regulation is required.

Keywords J. Kuhl’s model of self-management, Personality systems interaction theory, (PSI-theory), self-government test by J. Kuhl and A. Fuhrman, psychodiagnostics.
AcknowledgmentThe research is supported by RSF grant, project 16-18-10439 “System-dynamic analysis of activity regulation”
Publication date25.03.2019
Number of characters38153
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