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1. Si Tszinpin podcherknul vazhnost realizatsii srategii KPK v Sintsziane s uporom na stabilnost i bezopasnost (Xi Jinping stressed the importance of the implementation of the CCP’s strategy in Xinjiang with the emphasis on stability and security). Zhen'min zhibao. 16.07.2022. URL:–10123857.html (accessed 17.07.2022). (In Russ.)
2. 《中国语言生活状况报告(2020)》(绿皮书)有关情况 (A review of the “Report on the language situation in China: 2020”, “Green Series”). 百家号 — 百度. 02.06.2020. URL: (accessed 17.04.2022). (In Chin.)
3. «保护与促进世界语言多样性《岳麓宣言》发布会在北京举行 (Presentation of the “Protection and Promotion of Linguistic Diversity of the World ‘Yuelu Proclamation’” was held in Beijing). 中国语言文字网. 22.02.2019. URL: (accessed: 19.10.2019). (In Chin.)
4. 中国25种语言使用人口不足千人!濒危语言如何保护?(The number of speakers on each of the 25 languages of China doesn’t exceed 1000 persons! How to protect the endangered languages?). 百家号 — 百度. 27.01.2022. URL: (дата обращения: 13.04.2022). (In Chin.).
5. 中国的语言 (Languages of China). 北京: 商务印书馆, 2007年. 2638页. (In Chin.)
6. 刘厚生: 满语文的抢救, 传承与引用(Liu Housheng. The revival, transfer to the next generations and the usage of the Manzhu language) // 中国语言生活状况报告 (2014) (Language situation in China: 2014). 北京: 商务印书馆, 第1期. 2014年. 139–143页. (In Chin.)
7. 吴宏伟: 图瓦语研究 (Wu Hongwei. Studies on the Tuvan language) / 中国新发现语言研究丛书 (Studies on the newly discovered languages of China). 上海: 远东出版社, 1999年. 238页. (In Chin.)
8. 国务院办公厅关于全面加强新时代语言文字工作的意见 (General Office of the State Council on the overall intensification of the language and script work in the “new epoch”). 中国语言文字网. 30.11.2021. URL: (accessed: 21.12.2021). (In Chin.)
9. 张均如: 标话 (Zhang Junru. The Biao language) // 中国的语言 (Languages of China). 北京: 商务印书馆, 2007. 1125–1193页. (In Chin.)
10. 徐丹,冉启斌: 甘肃东乡唐汪话 (Xu Dan, Ran Qibin. The Dongxiang Tangwang language variety in Gansu / 中国濒危语言志 (The endangered languages of China). 北京: 商务印书馆, 2019年. 288页. (In Chin.).
11. 我国有一门语言, 只有6个人能流利使用 (There is a language in our country spoken by only 6 people). 百家号 — 百度. 02.04.2022. URL: (accessed 15.04.2022). (In Chin.)
12. 有一种语言正在消逝, 有一个人想将它留住 (There is an endangered language, and there is a person, who wants to preserve it). 新华. 12.08.2021. URL:–08/12/c_1310123174.htm (accessed 18.07.2022). (In Chin.)
13. 杨璧菀, 曾霖: 怀集(标话)(Yang Biwan, Ceng Lin. The Huaiji Biao language variety) /中国语言文化典藏 (Language and culture depositary of China). 北京:商务印书馆, 2017年. 334页. (In Chin.)
14. 王庆丰: 满语研究 (Wang Qingfeng. Studies on the Manzhu language) / 中国新发现语言研究丛书 (Studies on the newly discovered languages of China). 北京: 民族出版社, 2005年. 350页. (In Chin.)
15. 王莉宁: 中国语言资源保护工程的实施策略与方法 (Wang Lining. Execution strategies and approaches to the “National Language Resources Protection Project”) // 中国语言生活状况报告(2016) (Language situation in China: 2016). 北京: 商务印书馆, 2016. 037–042页. (In Chin.)
16. 田祥胜,陈保亚: 海南三亚回辉语 (Tian Xiangsheng, Chen Baoya. The language of the Sanya Huihui in Hainan) / 中国濒危语言志 (The endangered languages of China). 北京: 商务印书馆, 2019年. 285页. (In Chin.)
17. 苗东霞: 甘肃肃南西部裕固语 (Miao Dongxia. The language of the Western Yugurs in the Sunan Yugur Autonomous County in Gansu) / 中国濒危语言志 (The endangered languages of China). 北京: 商务印书馆, 2019年. 289页. (In Chin.)
18. 语保工程采录展示平台 (Platform with the data collected within the “National Language Resources Protection Project”). 中国语言资源保护工程采录展示平台. URL: (accessed 16.04.2022). (In Chin.)
19. 语保故事 (Stories about the preservation of languages) / 王莉宁主编. 北京: 光明日报出版社, 2021年. 408页. (In Chin.)
20. 金莉娜, 程亚恒: 黑龙江同江赫哲语 (Jin Lina, Cheng Yangheng. The Nanai language in Tongjiang of the Helongjiang Province) / 中国濒危语言志 (The endangered languages of China). 北京: 商务印书馆, 2019年. 302页. (In Chin.)