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1. Stopkoronavirus. URL: https://xn—80aesfpebagmfblc0a.xn—p1ai/information/ (accessed: 09.11.2021). (In Russ.).
2. Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) — the data. URL: (accessed: 04.11.2021).
3. World Travel & Tourism Council (2021). Economic Impact 2020. URL:–02–25–183017–490 (accessed: 19.08.2021).
4. 2020年中国节假日国内旅游人次、旅游收入及旅游产业前景预测: 旅游人次下降20%以上, 旅游收入下降15%以上(图) (The forecast of domestic tourist arrivals, tourism revenue and tourism industry prospects during Chinese holidays in 2020: tourist arrivals will drop by more than 20%, and tourism revenue will drop by more than 15% (Figure). URL: (accessed: 30.08.2021). (In Chin.).
5. 2020年国内旅游数据情况 (Domestic tourism data in 2020). URL:–02/19/content_5587665.htm (accessed: 30.10.2021). (In Chin.).
6. 2021年前三季度国内旅游数据情况 (Domestic tourism data in the first three quarters of 2021). URL:–11/03/content_5648644.htm (accessed: 30.10.2021). (In Chin.).
7. 澳门: 准备迎接内地游客 推动旅游和经济复苏 (Macau: ready to welcome mainland tourists to promote tourism and economic recovery). URL:–11/13/content_5561273.htm (accessed: 20.07.2021). (In Chin.).
8. “动态清零” 和 “与病毒共存” 不矛盾—为张文宏说句公道话 (“Zero-COVID” and “coexisting with viruses” are not contradictory-to be fair to Zhang Wenhong). URL: (accessed: 03.11.2021). (In Chin.).
9. 关于允许持三类有效居留许可外国人入境的公告(Announcement on allowing foreigners with three types of valid residence permits to enter the country). URL:–09/23/content_5546462.htm (accessed: 23.07.2021). (In Chin.).
10. 关于进一步加强秋冬季疫情防控工作的通知(Notice on further strengthening the prevention and control of the autumn and winter epidemics). URL:–10/22/content_5553257.htm (accessed: 24.05.2021). (In Chin.).
11. 关于暂时停止持有效中国签证、居留许可外国人入境的公告 (Announcement on the temporary suspension of entry by foreigners holding valid Chinese visas and residence permits). URL: (accessed: 23.06.2021). (In Chin.).
12. 广东居民赴澳门旅游签注恢复办理 (Resumption of visa for Guangdong residents to travel to Macau). URL:–08/26/content_5537742.htm (accessed: 20.07.2021). (In Chin.).
13. 截至11月8日24时新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情最新情况 (The latest situation of COVID-19 epidemic as of 24:00 on November 8). URL:–11/09/content_5649888.htm (accessed: 09.11.2021). (In Chin.).
14. 酒店行业深度报告 (In-depth report on the hotel industry). URL: (accessed: 03.11.2021). (In Chin.).
15. 旅游景区恢复开放疫情防控措施指南 (Guide for epidemic prevention and control measures for the reopening of tourist attractions). URL: (accessed: 22.07.2021). (In Chin.).
16. 文化和旅游部 国家卫生健康委关于做好旅游景区疫情防控和安全有序开放工作的通知(Notice of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the National Health Commission on Doing a Good Job in the Prevention and Control of Epidemics and Safe and Orderly Opening of Tourist Attractions). URL:–04/14/content_5502188.htm (accessed: 22.07.2021). (In Chin.).
17. 文化和旅游部: A级景区接待量不超最大承载量75% (Ministry of Culture and Tourism: The reception volume of A-level scenic spots does not exceed 75% of the maximum carrying capacity). URL: (accessed: 23.07.2021). (In Chin.).
18. 文化和旅游部办公厅 国家文物局办公室关于做好新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情防控工作的通知 (Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the Office of the National Cultural Heritage Administration on the prevention and control of the pneumonia epidemic caused by the new coronavirus infection). URL:–01/23/content_5471921.htm (accessed: 15.05.2021). (In Chin.).
19. 文化和旅游部办公厅关于从严从紧抓好文化和旅游行业疫情防控工作的紧急通知 (Urgent notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism on Strictly Grasp the Epidemic Prevention and Control Work in the Culture and Tourism Industry). URL:–10/23/content_5644506.htm (accessed: 30.10.2021). (In Chin.).
20. 文化和旅游部办公厅关于推进旅游企业扩大复工复业有关事项的通知 (Notice of the General Office of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism on Promoting the Expansion and Resumption of Work of Tourism Enterprises). URL:–07/14/content_80624.html (accessed: 23.07.2021). (In Chin.).
21. 文化和旅游部启动 “云游合家欢 就地过大年” 全国旅游宣传活动 (The Ministry of Culture and Tourism launches the national tourism promotion activity of “Wandering in Family Fun for Chinese New Year in Place”). URL: (accessed: 31.07.2021). (In Chin.).
22. 文化和旅游部市场管理司关于印发《旅行社新冠肺炎疫情防控工作指南(第三版)》等指南的通知 (Notice of the Marketing Management Department of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism on the issuance of guidelines such as the “Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Coronavirus Pandemic in Travel Agencies (Third Edition)”). URL:–08/31/content_5634507.htm (accessed: 30.10.2021). (In Chin.).
23. 文化和旅游部提醒游客春节出游做好个人防护, 减少旅途风险 (The Ministry of Culture and Tourism reminds tourists to take personal protection when traveling during the Spring Festival to reduce travel risks). URL: (accessed: 31.07.2021). (In Chin.).
24. 文化和旅游部资源开发司关于印发《旅游景区恢复开放疫情防控措施指南(2021年3月修订版)》的通知 (Notice of the Resource Development Department of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism on the issuance of the “Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Epidemic Prevention and Control Measures for the Reopening of Tourist Attractions (Revised in March 2021)”). URL:–03/22/content_5594584.htm (accessed: 23.07.2021). (In Chin.).
25. 新冠疫情: 中国 “清零” 之战的政治经济红利, 社会代价和未来变数 (COVID-19 Epidemic: Political and Economic Dividends, Social Costs and Future Variables of China's “Zero-COVID-19” Strategy). URL: (accessed: 03.11.2021). (In Chin.).
26. 综合消息: 新疆疫情源自同一传染源 大连已封闭风险区域80个居民小区(Comprehensive news: Xinjiang epidemic originated from the same source of infection, Dalian has closed 80 residential communities in risk areas). URL:–04/9256411.shtml (accessed: 09.11.2021). (In Chin.).
27. 中国统计年鉴2020 (China Statistical Yearbook 2020). Table 17–9, 17–10. URL: (accessed: 01.04.2021). (In Chin.).