Central Asia as an Area of Collision of Strategic Interests of the USA, China and Russia

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Leading Research Officer
Affiliation: Institute of the USA and Canada Studies & Far East Studies Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameProblemy Dalnego Vostoka
EditionIssue 5

In the XXI century Central Asia began to play an increasing role in the political and economic space of Eurasia. However, its further development hindered by negative factors affecting the economy of Central Asian countries and interstate relations, as well as security in the region. In addition to these, growing the, in Central Asia's growing the political and economic struggle between the USA on one side and China and Russia and other regional actors that were involved in the regional processes in order to ensure a favorable position in the struggle for the region's energy resources and transport corridors, leading into Europe and Asia Pacific region. The authors conclusion point to the significance of this region for US, China, and Russia`s interests, as well as the importance of their policies and strategies in Central Asia.

KeywordsCentral Asia, USA, China, Russia, politics, strategy, economy, security
Publication date07.11.2020
Number of characters42692
100 rub.
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