Post-Soviet Statehool and Society. Part 1. Evolution of the Social Contract and the Legitimacy of Authority

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Trainee Researcher
Affiliation: Laboratory for Comparative Analysis of Development in Post-Socialist Countries NRU HSE
Address: 115054, Moscow, Malaya Pionerskaya 12
Occupation: Tenured Professor, Head Laboratory, Chairman of Editorial Council
Laboratory for Comparative Analysis of Post-Socialist Development NRU HSE
Journal “Universe of Russia. Sociology. Ethnology”
Address: Russian Federation, 119049, Moscow, Shabolovka 26/4
Journal nameObshchestvennye nauki i sovremennost
EditionIssue 4

The paper provides survey of the Russian and foreign literature on notions “social contract” and “legitimacy”. The different approaches to operationalization and dimension of legitimacy, factors to setting of legitimacy significance are examined. On the base of the researches’ results it is shown that in spite of the widely spread standpoint about importance of democratic procedures as main condition for authority’s legitimacy the quality of state government is found out to be more significant.

Keywordslegitimacy, social contract, society and authority, Russia
Publication date17.08.2017
Number of characters500
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