Once Again on the Time-Reckoning “After Menophris” (A History of a Scholarly Problem and a Search of Its Solution)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Lomonosov Moscow State University
National Research University “Higher School of Economics”
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameVestnik drevnei istorii
EditionVolume 79 Issue 2

The article deals with an important problem of the international and Russian Egyptology, i.e. with the interpretation of a statement by the Alexandrian scientist of the 4th–5th centuries A.D. Theon on an era “after Menophris” (ἀπὸ Μενόφρεως), allegedly started at the beginning of the “Sothic period” in 1322/1321 B.C. The first part of the article analyses the polemic on the identification of the name *Μενόφρις with a specific Ancient Egyptian royal name, with special attention paid to the interpretations by the Russian Soviet Egyptologists V.V. Struve and O.D. Berlev. The former one proposed in the 1920s was largely based on earlier European scholarship and contained a number of errors, which remained unnoticed due to a decline of the scholarly criticism at the time. On the contrary, Berlev’s view (1999) was totally original and in fact trail-blazing for the ultimate solution of the problem. The second part of the article proposes a development of Berlev’s hypothesis. The epithet “Memphite” (*Mn-nfry) that backed the name *Μενόφρις and was originally applied to Zoser, the inaugurator of the “Sothic calendar”, could be transferred on an image of a great king that reigned in Egypt after the catastrophe of the Amarna time. This king could be considered the founder of the “Memphite time” in Egyptian history, the creator of the “Sothic calendar” and respectively the contemporary of the start of a “Sothic period” (Theon’s “Menophris’ era”).

KeywordsEgypt, time-reckoning, Theon, Menophris, Dynasty XIX, Memphis, history-writing, Manetho, Egyptology, V.V. Struve, O.D. Berlev
Publication date24.09.2019
Number of characters59815
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