Social networking as a catalyst for the formation of social capital and the economic development of a city

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Baikal State University
Address: Russian Federation
Journal nameObshchestvo i ekonomika
EditionIssue 1

The author states that social trust, as an assumption about the good faith of a subject, precedes the emergence of social capital. In the presence of social trust, social networks are formed, the product of which will be social capital. Such a subject of social networking is defined as a “guarantor of mutual services” and its functions are identified which are necessary for the development of the network. In order to launch the mechanism of network formation and the accelerator of social trust increase in the urban economy, the article proposes to put forward a specific socially important object. In the author's opinion, natural objects in general and forest parks in particular, fully correspond to these conditions. The article attempts to assess the possibilities of increasing social trust using the example of the specially protected natural area “Kayskaya Roscha”, located in the territory of the city of Irkutsk. 

Keywordssocial trust, social capital, social networks, institutions, specially protected natural area, Kayskaya mountain, forest parks, small groups, open and closed networks
Publication date13.02.2019
Number of characters38287
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