Eduard Daladier and the Policy of «Appeasement» on the Eve of World War II

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameNovaia i noveishaia istoriia

The article examines the reaction of the French political circles to the revolution of1917 in Russia. The emphasis is on their perception of the pre-revolutionary crisis, theattitude to the revolution itself and its consequences. It is emphasized that this reactionwas distinguished by ambiguity. On the one hand, French politicians were expecting revolutionaryevents, some of them considered them beneficial. At the same time, the needto preserve the combat capability of the Russian army and the continued participation of Russia in the First World War raised serious concerns. The French ruling circles could notresolve this dilemma.

KeywordsE. Daladier, the Russian Revolution of 1917, the First World War, R. Poincare, J. Clemenceau.
Publication date07.11.2018
Number of characters99352
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