Diagnostics of the Regime: German Military Analytics about the Hetmanate

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute of World History, RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameNovaia i noveishaia istoriia
EditionIssue 1

The first German occupation in Ukraine in 1918 is still insufficiently studied due to the specificity of the historiography of the problem, on the one hand, and to the loss of many necessary sources in the German military archives, on the other. Although the process of including new sources into scholarly analysis continues, there is an obvious and unjustified imbalance in the field due to the predominance of politically biased Ukrainian evidence. There is a clear preponderance of diplomatic documentation, although the military, especially the German military, was extremely reluctant to share information with other agencies, especially with the Foreign Ministry, due to frequent conflicts. Many of the staff documents that survived or were rediscovered after the Second World War were still not studied, without any proper reason for it. The study of the military archive funds in Freiburg revealed several documents that are important for assessing the Hetman regime, its relationship with the German staffs, and the dynamics of the social and political crisis, even during the relatively stable period of German occupation. These primarily published sources demonstrate both the evolution of Ukrainian-German “allied” relations and the unchangeable traits of the socio-political situation in several regions of the Ukrainian State. The new documents allow to overcome the a priori formed and unfounded opinion about the systematic mistakes and illusions of the German military elite in the East in 1918.

KeywordsFirst German Occupation, the Ukrainian State, Army Group Kiev, food supply, W. Groener, H. Gronau
Publication date29.01.2021
Number of characters62148
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