The Excerpts of the Study of Loanwords Pronunciation in Russian Linguistics

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Vinogradov Russian Language Institute, RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameRusskaya Rech’
EditionIssue 4

The article describes the evolution of loanword and borrowing research in XIX — the first half of XX centuries. This can be thought of as a period of establishment of the main areas of Russian general study of phonetics of borrowing: a) the influence of the donor language and the extralinguistic background; b) the role of the method of borrowing and/or the matter of the original source in its further unleashing and expansion; c) the impact of general and additional sociolinguistic (as per example, language ability and allegiance to a particular social group); d) the “sense of neology”, the time, the timeline and their role in loanword formation in Russian language.

The factors listed were never studied in their entirety. The current study dwells on development of borrowing in Russian language hypotheses and forms of data analysis used by the scientists over the period to detect sound variation and to predict its conceivable tendencies.

Keywordsborrowing, loanwords, loanword phonetics, pronunciation, foreign sound development
Publication date27.09.2022
Number of characters17800
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