The Liturgy of Power. Some Aspects of the Religious Policy of Venice in Relation to the Orthodox Greeks in Modern Age

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute of Russian History, RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameNovaia i noveishaia istoriia
EditionIssue 1

This article examines the features of the relationship between the state and the Orthodox Church in the capital and overseas possessions of the Most Serene Republic in the late XVI–XVII centuries. The review of the history of State-Church relations with the Orthodox begins with the Greek community of the capital, the history of which is most documented. The very nature of the contacts of the Greeks of the city of Venice with the spiritual and secular authorities is more complete than on the periphery, obeying a certain cause-and-effect logic, from which all sides of the dialogue proceeded. On the contrary the religious policy of Venice in the overseas colonies was varied and heterogeneous in different epochs and territories.

These connections, due to a variety of factors and circumstances, seemed to be subordinated to the logic of momentary interests, for which both sides either made mutual concessions, or explicitly or implicitly dictated their terms to each other. However, as far as we can judge from the documents that have come down to us, this complex dialogue could have taken place only because its sides were united by a cultural matrix that allowed them to find a common language and pass a centuries-old joint path among the difficult circumstances of life in the Italian middle Ages and modern Age.

The mutual enrichment of cultures and spiritual traditions was not only a legacy of the Byzantine period of the history of Venice, it continued throughout the era of joint residence of Venetians and Greeks in the capital and in the overseas colonies of the Republic.

KeywordsVenice, Stato da Mar, Orthodox Church, State-Church relations, Crete, Ionian Islands, jurisdictionalism, Church of Venice
Publication date29.01.2021
Number of characters57227
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