On the Role of Space in Civilization System: The Experience of ‘Borderline’ Civilizations of Planetary Scale in the Universal Context

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute for Latin American Studies, RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameNovaia i noveishaia istoriia
EditionIssue 3

The article analyzes the role of space in the civilization system in the broad context of cultural theories. The author considers space not only as a significant component, but also as a specific expression of the integrity of the entire space-time continuum, one of two equally necessary hypostases of its contradictory unity. The author focuses on the comparison in the universal context of the historical experience of “borderline” civilizations of a planetary scale — Russia — Eurasia and Latin America. This experience is examined through the prism of the concept of “three spaces” by A. Lefebvre and E. Soji: material or physical, mental or imaginary, and social (or “space of relations”) uniting them. The author emphasizes that all these spaces are permeated by the dichotomy of the natural and cultural, and the ratio of these dimensions is different in all three spaces. Ya. G. Shemyakin emphasizes the idea that the division of space into physical, mental, and social is conditional. In reality, all three act as different dimensions of a single space of civilization. Moreover, in the Russian and Latin American civilizational “borderlands” the key role belongs to the material (physical) space. The author concludes that the dominant feature of space is the distinguishing feature of the structure of the space-time continuum of both the Latin American and Russian “borderlands”. This determines its key role in the process of civilizational identification.

Keywordscivilization, civilizational space, «three spaces» A. Lefebvre and E. Soji, civilizational identification, «borderline» civilization, «classical» civilization
Publication date19.06.2020
Number of characters37348
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