Center and Periphery of the International System: Types of Interaction

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameNovaia i noveishaia istoriia
EditionIssue 6

The article deals with the core-periphery model in the international relations theory and the types of core-periphery interaction within the international system. The article is based on the general philosophical core-peripheral approach with core-peripheral structure of the international system being its part. Various existing theories dealing with this model are analyzed, from general sociological approach (Edward Shils) to specific studies in international relations, such as dependency theory (Raul Prebisch, John Friedmann, Immanuel Wallerstein) and struc-tural theory of imperialism (Johan Galtung). Special attention is paid to the regional subsystems concept represented by U.S. (William Thompson, Jorge I. Dominguez, Louis Cantori, Steven Spiegel, J. David Singer, Melvin Small), Latin American (Carlos Teixeira) as well as Russian (Pavel Tsygankov, Andrei Voskresensky, Alexei Bogaturov) scholars. A complex model of the international system is offered based on hierarchical approach which differentiates between core and center (which partially overlap, and partially complement each other) of the international system and distinguishes different types of periphery (internal and external, general, inner and upper, higher, colonial and contact). Regional subsystems are part of this model – one (central) subsystem forms the center of the international system while others are located in the periphery. The core is formed by the world’s leading powers of which one (rarely more than one) can become a hegemon. Periphery is more dynamic compared to the core, which generally tends to be more stable. The international system is not static, it grows by expanding into new territories, by elaborating its structure (with new subsystems being created), and by building stronger connections between its parts.

Keywordsinternational relations theory, international system and international structure, core-periphery model, regional subsystems, international regions
Publication date05.12.2019
Number of characters40550
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