Issue 4

Table of contents

Title Author(s) Pages
Features of the development of the countries of the West and East in the global world
Turkey: the problem of ensuring gender equality Abramova Alina Pages 1-6
Visegrad Group: a thorny path from East to West Pages 7-12
The economy growth of Ethiopia and China’s foreign direct investment Pages 13-17
The Influence of Post-War Japanese Masculinity on the Widespread of Social Withdrawal Phenomenon Anastasia Karpenkova Pages 18-24
The Eastern orientation of the German Conservative Pages 25-31
Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the labor market in modern Ethiopia Милена Коняева Pages 32-39
The genesis of the English Parliament in the XIII-XVIII centuries Pages 40-44
Systemic megatrends in the development of Central Asia during the transformation of the global system of international relations Dmitry Polyakov Pages 45-49
The hi-tech industry as the engine of the modern economy of Israel Pages 50-56
The specifics of Russia in the context of global development
The building’s features of the of the "political" culture of the Russian state in the "Epistle to the Ugra": an analytical essay Nikolay Arseniev Pages 57-64
Features of digitalization development in Israeli and Russian societies Pages 65-71
The development features of social media as political institutions in Russia and the USA: the present stage Pages 72-77
Russia's place in the modern global economy. Gulshat Mardanshina Pages 78-82
The National Question as a Feature of Modern Russian Constitutionalism Mikhail Stepanov Pages 83-90
The crisis of Russian civilizational identity in the 20th – 21st centuries and attempts to solve it Pages 91-95
The influence of the philosophy of I.A. Ilyin and N.A. Berdyaev on the formation of the value policy of the Russian Federation and the justification of the identity of Russian civilization Pages 96-101

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